
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Antigone society

In, world self-centered somewhat Ideas frequently affects peoples judgement Sophocles raises this Issue in his play Antigone. He believes that earreach to the wise benefits your judgement, but the leave of refusing to bear in mind leads to tragic out summons. Sophocles uses Ate to fetch the characters Inability to stick In others perspectlve_ Sophocles first addresses the tragic results of not comprehend done Anugones refusal to take advice. In Sophocless prologue, Ismene states Shel has no forte for burying Polynlces against the states jurisdiction, fleck Antigone pronounces thatIsmene uses that excuse to avoid trouble (Sophocles 76-83. pull d birth though Ismene claims she doesnt have the strength to go against the state, she really means that she doesnt have the will mogul to choose mingled with the Gods and Creons rectitude because defying either law will result In punishment. Even though Ismene Is belng cautious ot her choices, Antigone believes Ismene is toolish tor not siding with her. Antigone chose to believe herselt without thinking slightly Ismenes point ot view. In result, Antigone ends up putting herselt between twain the laws ot the lands and the Gods law, which results in her entombment.In addition to Antigone putting off her sisters point of view, Sophocles uses Antigones inability to take others aspect into consideration. During CreonS and Antigones argument. Creon expresses his opinion of Polynices betrayal of the city by saying. The good dont want to voice honors with the bad (Sophocles 534-6). Antigone retaliates by mentioning, Mho knows that is considered righteous below . . I cannot parcel of land their hate, only their love (Sophocles 536-8). Creons belief that Polynices shouldnt be honored in sepulcher chamber conflict with Antigones, in which Polynices deserves burial to honor the Gods laviAntigone doesnt realize Creons point of view, stand up for the city, and goes with her own belief without winning Creons into account. Despite standing up for herself, Antigones failure to acknowledge Creons perspective causes her demise Even afterward being locked external behind a boulder, Sophocles proves Antigones disastrous consequences when Antigone, hangs herself by the neck, fastened by a noose of fine linen (Sophocles 1226-7)_ Antigone, trapped In a cave collectible her actions, hung herself so she wouldnt die at the hand of Creon. Anugones refusal to listen to othersIdeas, such as creons, lead her to trouble and death, supporung Sophocless maln point that tragic consequences come from refusing to listen. Antigones refusal to take advice results In her unfortunate demise. In addltlon to Antigones downfall due to sieve recklessness, Sophocles uses Creon to display how tragic consequences develop trom not listening. During the first scene ot Antigone, the fend for explains to Creon that he wlshesl to tell Creon his time, Creons reaction is that, The Guard is trying to talk around the problem. (Sophocles 245).The withstand is cautious of explaining the bad news, trying to void plunk, while Creon assumes the follow is guilt-ridden due to him talking around the problem. Creons lack of the guards point of view causes him to blame the innocent, which later causes Haemon commit suicide because Creon punishes his love. Even though Sophocles uses Creons actions to show tragic outcomes, he to a fault uses Creons frustration to demonstrate his inability to look at other peoples perspective. During a dialogue between Creon and the Guard, the guards asks, May I say something, or should I Just turn and go? (Sophocles 325) Creon, provoke due to the breaking of his aw, exclaims, miou have annoyed me Just by saying that (Sophocles 326). Creons frustration towards someone breaking his law resulted in him not fully thought that the guard didnt want to twainer the king while he was mad.. The guard was nervous to explain his point of view to Creon due to his recklessness after Antig one defied his law. In result to the guards inability to explain his perspective, Creon becomes even more agitated and promises to kill him if he doesnt find out who touched the body.Sophocles ends his play by showing the reader Creons destroyed life after not taking advice by dint of others perspective. Creons son guided the sword, leaned on it and thrust it into his ribs.. while Haemon . Creons wife struck herself in the heart with her own hand. (Sophocles 1240-1 1321) Creons wife and son both killed themselves due to his refusal to listen to others advice. If Creon had only listen to others and used their perspective as well, his family wouldnt have taken their own lives. Creons self centered ways of not taking advice destroyed his family.Even though Creon is used to show that consequences develop through not taking advice, Sophocles also uses Creons and Haemons stubbornness to demonstrate the tragic result of not listening. Sophocles provides an argument between Creon and Haemon in which Haemon retaliates to Creons saying, At our age, taught reason by a man so young by declaring Taught nothing that is not Just If I am young, I do not motivating more time to study whats right (Sophocles 738-40). Creon believes that Haemon is too young to be credible and taken seriously because of his age.Haemon however, considers himself credible due to the fact that Creon is fashioning horrible decisions . Creon, not yet crafty that his decisions are tragic, and Haemon, not knowing that his dad doesnt see whats going on, end up fighting. Because Haemons nd Creons stubbornness get in the way of them seeing each others point of view, Haemon runs away and ends up committing suicide. After handleing credibility and getting nowhere, the father and son discuss the distinction between what the fellow- citizens deny and how the city shouldnt tell Creon how he ought to rule it (Sophocles 745-6).Haemon brings up the return key of the citizens siding with Antigone to bury Polynices body. They believe Polynices should obtain a proper burial no matter what even if he betrayed the city or not. Creon argues that the citizens of Thebes shouldnt be telling the king how to rule the city. Creon believes that the king should uphold all the power and not give the citizens a choice. Creon and Haemon argue for two polar sides of the law neither, which adds even more tension and perspective. After all of this arguing between Haemon and his father, Haemon . thrusts a sword into his ribs and Creon loses everyone who he cared about (Sophocles 1241). Haemon killed himself due to the lack of support he was shown by his father. Creons inability to listen to Haemons point of view cause his own son to kill himself. By not listening to each other, both Haemon and Creon suffer from onsequences with one of them dying and the other one having to go through life without anyone who cares for him. Creon and Haemon suffered because they both lacked the capability to express oth er ideas than their own.As a different way to express his theme, Sophocles uses Ismenes and Antigones discussion to prove not taking encouraging advice can ruin a relationship. After learning Antigone was caught, Ismene admits, l did the claim if she consents, and I will take and bear the charge (Sophocles 552-3). Antigone answered with, and rightness will not allow this to you, since neither did you want nor did I treat it. (Sophocles 554-5). Ismene, caring for her only family member left, tries to save her sister from death with the represent of hers.But Antigone doesnt allow Ismene to do this and convinces Creon that she definitely broke the burial law. This causes Antigone to be goddam by the law of the land, resulting in her death. After having her sister announced guilty, Ismene asks, But now-what can I do to help you now (Sophocles 568). Antigone replies by telling her, come through yourself. I do not grudge you your escape (Sophocles 569). Ismene gives her last effor ts to cheer Antigone through her time of need, but Antigone rejects Ismenes offer and declares she wants nothing.Antigone didnt listen to her sister, overcome with pride for burying the body, and Just gave up her only way to live. By let her pride take place of her mind, Antigone gives up her life because she didnt listen to Ismenes offer. collectable to Antigones actions, she hangs herself by a noose and Ismene disappeared, never being mentioned again (Sophocles 1227). Ismene, not cherished by her sister in anyway, disappears from the play to never be intercommunicate of again. Antigone however, suffers from not letting her sister take the blame and finally commits suicide to end the pain.Antigone would not be dead if she let her sister take the blame, but due to her inability to listen to good advice, she ends up dying. In the end, both Ismene and Antigone suffer due to Antigones rejection of advice. Sophocles demonstrated listening to others advice and the consequences of not passim the play. From being stubborn and not taking beneficial advice to not beginning your mind to another persons point of view. Sophocles wrote Antigone with many lessons for our current society. His most heavy lesson being that listening to good counsel benefits you now but also in the future.

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